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Tempat-tempat Kerja Terburuk di Dunia (Indonesia Urutan ke-2)

Posted by Eno Bening Swara on 7:48 PM in
Satu lagi dari Kaskus.

thx buat yang coglok udah posting-in (repost kah dia?)
silahkan :

Berikut adalah urutan tempat kerja terburuk di dunia :

No. 1 Lagos, Nigeria
No. 2 Jakarta, Indonesia
No. 3 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
No. 4 Almaty, Kazakhstan
No. 5 Mumbai, India
No. 6 New Delhi
No. 7 Nairobi, Kenya
No. 8 Bogota, Colombia
No. 9 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
No. 10 Chennai, India
No. 11 Hanoi, Vietnam
No. 12 Guangzhou, China
No. 13 Tianjin, China
No. 14 Suzhou, China
No. 15 Qingdao, China
No. 16 Shenzhen, China
No. 17 Bangalore, India
No. 18 Cairo, Egypt
No. 19 Kiev, Ukraine
No. 20 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

berikut kutipan quote reviewnya:

""No. 2 Jakarta, Indonesia

*Overall Grade:* Very High Risk Location
*Major Problems:* Pollution, Disease & Sanitation, Medical Facilities,
Political Violence & Repression, Political & Social Environment, Crime

Indonesia may be holding up better than many other developing countries
during the global recession, but that doesn't make life in Jakarta much
easier for expatriates moving there. Despite problems common to many Third
World cities—risk of disease, poor sanitation, and excessive pollution—the
Indonesian capital "can be an enticing location," according to ORC. However,
Indonesia is the world's largest Muslim country and has suffered several
high-profile attacks by Islamic terrorists targeting foreigners. "The threat
of violence, from Islamic extremists in particular, is a serious drawback to
living here," says ORC.""

lebih lengkap :

sumber :

Saya sendiri belum berstatus sebagai bekerja (masih pelajar) namun saya bisa lihat bagaimana buruknya Indonesia dalam bidang ini. Tak heran banyak orang ingin bekerja di Luar negri daripada di negrinya sendiri.



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